Ultimate Spheres of Power: The Complete System! (Pathfinder)
Created by Adam Meyers
The ultimate edition of Spheres of Power, the 5-star magic system, compiled into a single volume! (For Pathfinder)
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Kickstarted Ended!
over 5 years ago
– Sun, Apr 14, 2019 at 11:42:49 PM
Thank you all so much for bringing this campaign to a successful end. At this moment, we have raised over $43,000 to help bring Ultimate Spheres of Power to life!
So what happens now? Now there are a few things that need to happen:
1st, Kickstarter will process funds. This can take up to a couple weeks, and there's always a chance your pledge might hit a snag with a credit card being rejected, so if an issue arises, please work it out as soon as possible.
2nd, once kickstarter is finished processing funds, we will send out backerkit invitations, so you can select what your add-ons are and tell us what your shipping address and emails are.
3rd, once the backerkit surveys are finished, we will begin fulfillment! Things that are available now (such as Spheres of Might and Champions of the Spheres) will be sent out immediately, while the rest will be sent out as soon as it is available.
There is still work to be done with Ultimate Spheres of Power (including reviewing of text and sending out art orders), but we will keep you updated every step of the way!
Thank you! To everyone who pledged, thank you for helping us create the definitive version of Spheres of Power. It has been a wild ride, and we couldn't be happier with how things ended.
Thank you all so much,
40,000 stretch goal unlocked, 500+ backers on board!
over 5 years ago
– Sun, Apr 14, 2019 at 05:14:50 PM
Most campaigns pick up when they near the end as all the wonderful people who saved the campaign get notified and come back to help make things happen. Still, the response to the campaign over the last day has been absolutely amazing; thank you to everyone who has come out and helped push this campaign even higher. At the time of writing, we just passed our last posted stretch goal, which will give the book new artwork orders that will be determined by you, the backers.
The final stretch goal will be a section on GM advice; distilling some of the advice given through the handbooks and other bits we've learned over the years to give GMs a leg up on running Spheres.
Thank you all, and I can't wait to see what tomorrow morning brings!
Building an OC: The Final Chapter
over 5 years ago
– Sun, Apr 14, 2019 at 09:26:24 AM
The final video in our spheres explanation series has just gone live; perhaps not early enough to do too much good, but at least its before the end of the campaign, so I'm happy with that.
I've really enjoyed making these. I think I said that last time, but dang it all if it isn't true.
18 Hours to Go
over 5 years ago
– Sun, Apr 14, 2019 at 05:28:05 AM
At the time of writing, we are sitting $30 away from our next stretch goal, which is another expansion of pagecount. While I was afraid we might not hit it, the response these past few hours has been amazing, and now we will most definitely reach that goal, and might even hit the $40,000 goal before the campaign ends!
I know it's common for campaigns to try and always have a stretch goal or two still hanging to entice last-minute pledges, but... I honestly don't know what else we could add. We're already expanding the page count and will be adding new artwork, and of course every dollar pledged beyond the goals will go to expanding that page count and acquiring even more artwork, but it feels strange to have put down 'extra EXTRA pages' as an additional stretch goal right above an earlier such expansion.
What do you all think? Is there anything you want to see expanded or added to the book that hasn't already? Let us know!
Building Storm: Video 2 is Up!
over 5 years ago
– Sat, Apr 13, 2019 at 04:17:32 PM
We've created the 2nd build video for our 'explaining Spheres of Power' series:
Do you like seeing content like this? Its frankly a lot of fun to make. I hope you enjoy them as much as we do making them.
There are only a few days left in the campaign, but it looks like we'll soon be crossing over the next stretch goal. Here's hoping we can unlock the Wraith before the end!